I lost 60 Pounds in Six Months

Stefan Henry
2 min readMay 5, 2022

Here’s how I did it…

Photo by Vincent Ghilione on Unsplash

Weight loss is truly a journey, especially in your 40’s. My story sounds like so many: at the onset of the pandemic, when we were all relegated to stay home, my weight ballooned. I was weighing in at over 250 pounds a couple months into lock-down.

It was a visit to the doctor in December 2020 that really had me reevaluate my situation — and the fact that it was getting harder and harder to tie my shoelaces. I knew I had to make a change, so I started with my diet. The fact is, I knew I had to consume less calories overall. To do this, I cut out as many refined sugars as possible; my beloved Pepsi could no longer be a staple.

The first few weeks of January, I made a conscious effort to cut back on carbs and refined sugars. My sister-in-law suggested that I try intermittent fasting — I figured it couldn’t hurt: I usually didn’t eat breakfast anyway. I relegated my meals between the hours of 12 noon to 8 p.m. I tried to snack as little as possible. That first month, I lost ten pounds.

I fasted throughout February and found that I lost an additional ten pounds. The results of fasting were amazing! But March rolled around and the weight was not melting away as it had been previously. I knew that I would have to start exercising consistently to continue seeing results.

I can only credit Youtube and the MyFitnessPal app, an app that tracks calories, for my continued weight loss. I started logging my food in the app on a daily basis and I devoured videos about nutrition and at home workouts. I started following the Brix Fitness channel on Youtube. I started with one of his beginner at home workouts which I did 3–4 times a week. I saw the scale start to move again.

As I continued to work out, I felt better: the aches and pains began to go away ,and, added bonus: I began to look better in my clothes. I started to gain more confidence, and the accomplishment of weight loss bolstered my confidence in other areas of my life.

The reality is, weight loss is not a linear event; there are ups and downs, twist and turns; however, they are all worth it. The outcome is better health that transcends beyond the physical. My journey continues as I strive to reach my goal weight. There was one point in my life when I could not have imagined losing the weight that I have. It really is about making a decision and following through with it.

